Sort Array for a Leadboard with multiple stats

for my typing game Keyboard Warrior I wanted to create a leaderboard that ranks player scores by words per minute. Sometimes a player will have the same score as another, so I needed to use a second stat that compares the accuracy of the keystrokes.

{stats && stats.sort((prev, curr) =>{
            if(!prev.wpm || !curr.wpm) return
            if(prev.wpm === curr.wpm){
              if(prev.accuracy > curr.accuracy) return -1
              if(prev.accuracy < curr.accuracy) return 1
            if (prev.wpm >   curr.wpm ) return -1
            if (prev.wpm <   curr.wpm ) return 1
            return 0

          }).map((stat, i) => (
            <tr key={i+1}>  
              <td><img src={stat.image} alt='profile picture' className='img-thumbnail'/></td>
